Quartzsite | Getting There | Staying There |
Agenda | Electrical Management | Name Tag/Sticker Request |
Quartzsite 2024 was a great success. Over 225 coaches indicated that they would attend the Rally and 140 actually showed up. Name tags and Rally stickers were made for the 85 coaches that did not arrive. The V/N Rally Support Group paid for all the items. It was therefore decided that Quartzsite should return to its’s roots as a gathering in the desert and be best approached as a great get together.
How Quartzsite 2025 develops depends upon the people who attend. If you are interested in running an activity, a bike tour, an astronomy class, a hike to Q mountain, run a pancake breakfast, indicate your intentions with the day and the time, in the Facebook Quartzsite group. Your event will be added to the online agenda at https://www.viewnavionmotorhomes.com/quartzsite/quartzsite-agenda/. It will be an organic event.
If you want permanent name tags and a get together sticker, please complete the request form located at https://www.viewnavionmotorhomes.com/quartzsite/quartzsite-tag-sticker/ . This is a gathering, not a Rally, and the V/N Rally Support Group will not be supplying name tags and get together stickers. If you want Permanent Name tags ($5 each) and/or a Get Together Sticker ($5) complete the request form and send payment by December 15th, 2024, as indicated.
The area for the gathering in the desert is very flat and is the size of 9 or 10 football fields. The area can accommodate a large number of rigs without being crowded. There is an almost mythic attribute of going to Quartzsite, in the fact that it is in the desert and you have to dry camp. It’s perceived as being in the boondocks. In fact, it has as more services nearby than most State Parks, National Parks or Monuments or National Forest Service Campgrounds.
Several thousand people stay in Quartzsite during the winter. Quartzsite is not in the boondocks during the winter. There are grocery stores, restaurants, food trucks, firewood vendors, laundromats, propane vendors, gas stations, water and sewer stations, (some free some for a fee), pretty much anything you would want or need. Like any location that has a carnival atmosphere, or attracts thousands of people from all over the country, the services in Q are not bargain basement priced.
Visit the Quartzsite Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/quartzsitevn for all the details, or here for additional information.