Quartzsite | Getting There | Staying There |
Agenda | Electrical Management | Name Tag/Sticker Request |
The location for the gathering at Quartzsite is the La Posa North Long Term Visitor Area, managed by the Bureau of Land Management. Quartzsite AZ. T

Layout of Quartzsite Area BLM La Posa North Long Term Visitor Area (LTVA) manages the area where the gathering is held. BLM charges $40 for a 14 night permit which includes a tow car if you tow. Payment is only in cash or by check. Credit cards are not accepted.
Area Coordinates | |||
Decimal Degrees | GPS | Lat Long | |
North | 33.65543 | 33 39.3258 | 33° 39’ 19.548” |
West | -114.21442 | -114 12.8652 | -114° 12’ 51.912” |
Entry Gate Coordinates | |||
Decimal Degrees | GPS | Lat Long | |
North | 33.65147 | 33 39.0883 | 33° 39’ 5.292” |
West | -114.21701 | -114 13.0206 | -114° 13’ 1.236” |
The entrance gate MAY have an address of 46901 Old Yuma Road, Quartzsite, AZ |
Getting to the Site
From the La Posa North Office head East (straight) on the blacktop. At 0.3 of a mile you will pass dumpsters, and the road will transition to dirt. The road continues east through a wash, and shortly thereafter (0.5 mile from the La Posa North Office there will be a track to the left. Turn left (North) onto the track and take the left fork when it appears. Continue on the track heading North (Towards town), and in the distance you will see a number of power poles, head towards them. Beyond the poles you will see the area of the gathering. There will be people there ahead of time. The total distance from the office is about one mile. BE CAREFUL TRANSVERSING THE GULLYS
There will be NO generator running enforcement. High generator use traaditionally is towards the fence closest to the big tent at the north end of the area. Low generator use has traditionally been at the south end of the area (towards the power lines). If you want to be in the thick of things, camp in the center. If you would like a little more solitude, camp on the edge. This is BLM property, you can camp anywhere you care. Generally friends park in arrangements reminiscent of wagon trains with a fire in the center.