Rally Date : May 14 through May 18, 2023
The V/N Skinnie Winnie Rally will take place at Baylor Beach Campground (https://www.baylorbeachpark.com/) located at 8777 Manchester Ave. S.W. Navarre, Ohio 44662. The phone number is 330-767-3031. Baylor Beach is located in the heart of Amish Country.
Registration Instructions
All sites are currently full, but there is a waiting list. The entire campground (75 campsites) has been reserved for the May, 2023 Skinnie Winnie rally for 4 nights. Most activities will be held in the Pavilion building across from campsites 1-7.
Please follow these instructions to make a reservation:
- Select a site from the campground map.
- Call Baylor Beach at 330.767.3031. Ask for Beth.
- Must say you are with Skinnie-Winnies Rally on May 14-18, 2023.
- Call ONLY on Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday because they are so busy on weekends, and Beth is off on Tuesday.
- Regular water/electric sites – $30.80
- Premium (extra long) water/electric sites (#69-75) – $34.30
- Full hook-up sites – $37.80
IMPORTANT – Baylor Beach cancellation policy: Cancel any time full refund less a $10 fee or guest may opt to leave the FULL amount as a credit with the park. You will pay in full at the time you make camping reservation for the rally.
There will be a nominal fee collected of $25-30 per person for one catered meal, firewood, name tags, decals, and incidentals to be determined etc. You will be asked to pay this in advance to the organizers. More instructions will follow about this when rally details are firmed up. Payment will be handled at the Campground after you arrive.
Baylor Beach offers honey wagon service so a full hookup site is less than essential. $15 if you call before noon, $20 if you call after noon for same day service.
When you receive your email confirmation, you will be asked to electronically review and sign some brief campground policy information.
Please email Jack Rigby (rico1951@mac.com) with your reservation details: name(s), site #, coach details (e.g., 06H, 22D), city, state, phone number, email address.
Nancy Byrne Irving and Jack Rigby are co-Rally Masters, and have provided some background material for the area.