Participation Form | Day Guide – Stops, maps |
Participants | New Orleans Guide |
Reservation Information | Fredericksburg Guide |
Use the Day Guide – Stops, Maps for each days route, Points of Interest and paarticipant information.
Last year we arranged a Gulf Coast Crawl. The trip was designed as a way for single travelers to get to Quartzite with support and to have fun along the way. It turned into a great adventure and a rousing success. The most southern route has been selected taking into consideration the weather and the lack of snow. The food and attractions along the Gulf Coast make it even more palatable.
Campgrounds have been selected based on the distance they are apart, their quality and generally, the number of available sites as of August 10, 2023. This is a case of – if you snooze, you will lose. I encourage you to make a reservation even if you’re interested but unsure. It’s always easy to cancel or pass your reservation onto another if life intervenes. Outings, places of interest, food and entertainment are to be determined. Nothing except the places where I’ve made reservations is cast in stone. If you have a suggestion, and an interesting place, a place for wonderful food, please let all of us know. If last year can be used as a gauge, it will be a most excellent adventure. We hope that the journey will be a rolling party on the way to Q.
It was and will be a great time. Each day’s travel is less than 300 miles. The travel portions average about 250 miles and less than five hours of driving. All are invited. Please make your own reservations. Some of the parks have reservation systems that are not user friendly. The park list contains the reservations link and the site I have reserved, in case you either want to be close to my site, or as far away as possible.
This is a framework for a great adventure. If you are aware of a great attraction, a great place to eat or take a break, please speak up. This is a communal event designed to have fun while we travel to a destination.
I will provide a route for the day with anticipated stops.
Participants will have the opportunity to take off to the anticipated stops on their own, or meet us at the night’s destination. Those that Caravan should expect to travel at 63 MPH and MUST, MUST use cruise control (if it’s done correctly it’s really fun. Tim Schneider demonstrated how it should be done last year – it was amazing!). Caravanning under cruise control made driving very easy. If you are uncomfortable with utilizing cruise control, either be the last coach in line, or head off to the stops.
The stops are anticipated and not cast in stone. .
The daily plan is a framework to accommodate roadside attractions, serendipity and unforeseen occurrences. At the same time, if something is closed, sold out, or not what was anticipated, I hope that a replacement activity will emerge from the cleverness of the group. For that reason, I’m looking for a co-pilot to step into the role of a designated communications coordinator. I can’t communicate with everyone, drive, and guide. Most of us have hands free devices that speak to you and take text dictation. Safety is a primary concern, and we want everyone to arrive alive. Communication will allows for unanticipated stops, investigating Brown Sugar Signs or stopping for a cool Farmers Market, Brewery or really weird place. The daily distances are such that it allows for serendipity. Embrace that
If you are uncomfortable with the road, the weather, are uninterested in a stop, you MUST let us/someone know. There is nothing worse than losing someone. When someone disappears, there is the uncertainty of them having taken a break or having a break down. One of the reasons we are traveling a s a group is to take care of each other. Please take care of the others by not having them worry about you.
Nothing is mandatory. If you don’t want to visit someplace, don’t like the food, too crowded, too noisy, not your vibe, not interested, or you’re tired, let us know and bow out. Everyone will respect your decision, because we’re nice people. Please, just let us know.