While the technical information contained on this website can be helpful, please be aware that individuals who decide to follow the information contained on this website are doing so at their own risk. This site has made a good effort to ensure that all the information is accurate, but as technology rapidly changes, and manufacturers constantly update their products, users of the information are themselves responsible to make sure that the information is the most up to date. If we have inaccurate information, please let us know. We will make every effort to update the information in a timely manner.
Members are encouraged to contact Winnebago, Mercedes Benz, and/or the component manufacturers for the best information. We cannot guarantee that the information presented here is 100% accurate. Most of it is copied from other resources or compiled from personal experiences.
Any modifications to a group member’s vehicle are for the benefit of that member. Members are encouraged to share those modifications with the group. Individuals electing to perform similar or duplicate modifications to their vehicle do so at their own risk.