There will be a tech talks or two, due to the number of first time Rally participants. In addition to obtaining a little knowledge and understanding, the Rally will be all about enjoying each other’s company, having fun and a beverage around the fire. Please let me know if there is a specific area you would like to be discussed.
Agenda as of May 25, 2024, 6:30 PM
Noon – 3:45 PM – Registration – Site 146
Get your Name Tags, Decal/Rally Sticker. If you haven’t paid online and made arrangements to pay in cash, this is the time. Rally costs are $10 per person to cover the grill dinner, firewood and miscellaneous expenses. If you have firewood, please bring some.
4:00 PM – Pancake Breakfast Meeting – Site 146
A quick meeting to prepare for breakfast the following morning. We will determine how many grills are available, move grills to site 146, and cover what should be done for the breakfast.
4:30 PM – Meet and Greet – Fire Ring – the vicinity of site 146
Meet and Greet. Bring an Appetizer, plates, utensils and a beverage of your choice. There will be tales told that may not have all the facts to back them up. Never let the facts get in the way of a true story.
8:30 AM – Coffee by Winnebago
There will be coffee with all the fixings at Site 146, Bring a mug.
9:00 AM – Pickleball at the Courts –
A sign up sheet will be available. See Marion Freidman (Site 168) or Ren Mortara.
9:00 AM – Coffee, Pancake and Sausage Breakfast
Coffee, Pancake and Sausage Breakfast at the Tent (site 146). Bring a cup for coffee and silverware. If you have a griddle, bring it to the tent the night prior to the breakfast (Pancake Breakfast meeting). Grills are needed.
Proposed Activities
- A Technical Project TBD, hopefully without a trip to the Hospital in Geneva.
- Hike at Watkins Glen State Park https://parks.ny.gov/parks/watkinsglen/maps.aspx
- Bike Ride inside the Park
- Pickleball on the courts
- Trip to the Sampson Training Facility Museum
11:00 AM – Tech Talk Site 146
There will be a tech Talk at site 146, on a subject to be determined prior to the Rally. If you have a particular topic you would like to hear discussed, or a system you would like explained, please suggest it in the Sampson Rally Facebook Group.
1:00 PM – Beer and Wine Evaluation at Three Brothers Wineries and Estates, https://www.3brotherswinery.com/
5:00 PM – Beverages at the Campfire
6:00 PM – Dinner.
Dinner will be provided. This year, the menu is pork ribs, Hamburgers/Cheeseburgers (Limited) Baked beans, Cole Slaw and Potato Salad. Please bring a small desert, utensils and a beverage of your choice, Plates will be provided. Help with dinner is requested. (Distributing salads, grilling hamburgers, heating ribs, placing deserts)
7:00 PM – Stories, Tips, Fabrications and adventure stories around the fire. If you have an instrument, please bring it and play.
8:30 AM – Coffee by Winnebago
There will be coffee with all the fixings at Site 146, Bring a mug.
9:30 AM – Microwave and Convection Oven Cooking Site 157
Ginny Dziadosz host a round table session on Microwave and Convection Cooking, fun RV Cooking gadgets, etc. Everyone is encouraged to contribute their ideas, tips, and bring show and tell.
9:30 AM – Pickleball
1:00 PM – Vineyard Visit
- Catherine Valley Winery
- Swedish Hill Vineyard & Winery
- Ventosa Vineyards – Bike Riding Distance
- Zugibe Vineyards
5:00 PM – Beverages at the Campfire
6:00 PM – Potluck Dinner. Please bring an entrée, plate, utensils and beverages.
Please bring what you are prepared to bring, but consider bringing a desert or salad. There may be some planning, given the size of the group. What to bring MAY be suggested. Thank you.
6:45 PM – Raffle Drawing – Winnebago
Winnebago has been very generous to us again and has supplied some prizes that will be raffled off. Everyone should will receive a ticket at registration, one ticket per coach. You must be present to win!
7:00 PM – Stories, Tips, and Fabrications
Stories, Tips, and Fabrications and adventure stories around the fire. If you have an instrument, bring it and play.
8:00 AM – Pickleball at the Courts
8:30 AM – Coffee by Winnebago
There will be coffee with all the fixings at Site 146, Bring a mug.
Afterward – Vineyard Visit
- Catherine Valley Winery
- Swedish Hill Vineyard & Winery
- Ventosa Vineyards – Bike Riding Distance
- Zugibe Vineyards
Camp Day – Relax and enjoy the Finger Lakes in June
5:00 PM – Beverages at the Campfire
Bring a chair, your favorite beverage, a nosh, and enjoy the evening in preparation for dinner.
6:00 PM – Dinner on your Own, or Smorgasbord.
Last year everyone was so generous on the Potluck Dinner, we had a Smorgasbord (second round of leftovers – It was delicious). A group/individual decision. Bring a beverage of your choice, Plate and utensils.
7:00 PM – Stories, Tips, and Fabrications
Stories, Tips, and Fabrications and adventure stories around the fire. If you have an instrument, bring it and play.
Additional details will be posted as they develop. If you are interested in a specific activity, please let me know, it will be included, if possible. This is a group participation event. If you have an idea, please share. Thank you.
Please visit the Sampson Rally FB Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/sampsonrally) and here for updates.
Additional details will be posted as they develop. If you are interested in a specific activity, please let me know, it will be included, if possible. This is a group participation event. If you have an idea, please share. Thank you.
Please visit the Sampson Rally FB Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/sampsonrally) and here for updates.