Power Gear Programming

Power Gear Slim Rack Slide-Out Programming Procedure

By Brian Cummings
May 20, 2021

Use this procedure to SET the IN and OUT stops. Make sure engine is running during this procedure to ensure proper system voltage.

  1. Press and hold the IN button on the wall rocker switch. The IN stop must be set first.
  2. Move the room to the fully retracted position. Press and hold the IN button for 10 seconds after the room stops moving. Release the wall switch.
  3. Visually inspect the room seal to make certain the room is fully retracted. If it is not, repeat step 2. This procedure may need to be repeated until both sides of the slide out are fully retracted.
  4. You are now ready to set the OUT stop.
  5. Press and hold the OUT button on the wall rocker switch.
  6. Move the room to the fully extended position. Press and hold the OUT switch for 10 seconds after the room stops moving. Release the wall switch.
  7. Visually inspect the room seal to make certain the room is fully extended. If it is not, repeat step 6. This procedure may need to be repeated until both sides of the slide-out are fully extended.


The switch will need to be depressed and held down for 10 seconds after the room stops moving(or until you here both motors “click”) to correctly set the stop locations. This applies to both the IN stop (retracted) and OUT stop (extended). Failure to do so will cause the stops to NOT be set and the room will operate erratically and out of sync.

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