By Len Casella
How much LP flow do you need from the regulator?
An LP generator uses about 65,000 BTU/hr.; the Furnace about 35,000 BTU/hr.; Water Heater 12,000 BTU/hr. and Refrigerator 1,500 BTU/hr. for a total of less than 115,000 BTU/Hr. if all are running concurrently. All the regulators I listed below provide a minimum of 175,000 BTU/Hr.
The propane regulators installed on the Views and Navions have all been 2-Stage, 11” horizontal mounted propane regulators. Up though 2012, the regulators were supplied by Marshall-Excelsior and usually the model was a MEGR-290-1. These are no longer available. Some models of 2007-2010 Views and Navions may have two regulators. Probably those with the LP generator, parts documentation provided by Winnebago has improved over the years so some of the early data is not as complete. For the RVs with two regulators, one is the same part number as the regulator on the 2011 and 2012 Navions and Views, Winnebago Part Number 106150-06. The second regulator listed has a Winnebago Part number of 106150-05 and I cannot confirm the manufacture or model number for those. Winnebago switched to Fairview Regulators, specifically model FF-KIT7 in 2012, for some models made after Feb 2012. All models newer than that date have the Fairview regulator installed. The Winnebago Part Number for those is 182-108-02. Winnebago Outdoors lists part number 182-108-02 as a Fairview FF-KIT7. Fairview does not have that model on their inventory, they confirmed that the model designation is specific to Winnebago but it is a model GR-9959 regulator.
Here are the models of regulators that I found on the internet that meet the criteria of horizontal mounting, at least 175,000 BTU/Hr. and meet RVIA, UL listed, and meet NFPA criteria for Motorhome use:
MEGR-290-1 (not to be confused with 290 which are vertical mount regulators) Obsolete, did not locate any
MEGR-9959 – Obsolete, but still available
MEGR-298 – current offering, available from many sources. Note, has test ports on the regulator
MEGR-298H – High volume model – ok for Views and Navions versus MEGR-298, but not required. Note: Products with a “P” after designation are same product, just in a display blister pack. A designation of “L” is a low volume regulator, not to be used in a Motor Home
Mr. Heater:
JR Products:
FF-KIT7 Note: The FF-KIT7 is just a Winnebago product number according to Fairview, it is a GR-9959