Slideout Repair on an 08VH

Information supplied by Ginny Dziadosz
March 31, 2020


The Slide-out failed when we were extending it. The motor continued to run in both directions but the slide did not move in either direction. The owner was able to move the slide in/out by using a crescent wrench to rotate the Slide-out’s drive shaft. The drive shaft is accessible above the Propane tank fill connection.

With the encouragement of several folks on the Yahoo View/Navion forum the owner decided to repair this himself. He stated it was easy to do, except that it was not fun having to work under the slide out – his knees were not what they used to be.

The owner ordered a complete new Slide-out Power Head and a Replacement Power Head Drive Shaft. He used the Drive Shaft to repair the original Slide-out Power Head unit – see below. The parts came from Barker Manufacturing. To gain access to the Slide Power Head the Slide-out must be extended.

Remove the metal panel that hides the Slide-out Power Head by removing the sheet metal screws that hold it in place. Here you can see one of the bolts that hold the Power Head inside the sleeve where it engages the slide drive shaft H coupling.

There are two bolts that hold the Power Head on. The second bolt can be either at the top or bottom of the sleeve.

Once the Power Head is removed the H Coupling becomes visible inside the Drive Shaft Sleeve.

Here you can see the H Coupling. The slot you see is where the Groove Pin (some call it the shear pin but it is not a shear pin) engages the slide drive shaft.

The Groove Pin is part of the Power Head Drive Shaft. Here you can see the broken Power Head drive shaft. In my case the Groove Pin and the shaft end was stuck inside the H Coupling.

The owner was able to remove the Groove Pin with needle nose pliers. However he had to drill out the shaft piece that had fetched up inside the H coupling.

Barker does have a replacement drive shaft that can be used to rebuild the power head. Shown with the replacement drive shaft are the drilled out pieces of the broken drive shaft and the old groove pin.

He purchased a new power head unit as well as this replacement drive shaft. The owner intended to rebuild the old power head using the replacement drive shaft – see below.

This is the new power head unit. Here you can see the drive shaft with the Groove Pin installed. The Power Head enters the Slide-out Drive Shaft Sleeve and the Slide-out must be manually moved in or out so the Groove Pin engages the H Coupling and the two bolts you see here are lined up with the bolt holes in the Slide-out Drive Shaft Sleeve.

The job is almost done. Test slide movement and if all is OK. Replace the metal panel to finish the job.


The original Slide-out Power Head was repaired by replacing the Power Head Drive Shaft. After removing the 8 bolts pull the motor side of the Power Head off being careful to not loose the bronze bushing on the end of the drive shaft or the washers on the other gear shafts.
In this photo the broken drive shaft was removed is in the process of installing the new drive shaft. This is a messy job because of the copious amounts of grease on the gears. The gears mesh easily with each other and the motor shaft.


This photo shows the bronze bushing that is on the end of the drive shaft. You can see the Bronze Bushing on the end of the drive shaft – this bushing engages a blind hole in the Power Head’s Cover – see below. The Manual Control Shaft is the shaft that extends out of the Power Head cover and is used to manually turn the gears to open/close the Slide-out if the Power Head Motor fails.

This photo shows the Power Head cover with the hole for the Manual Control Shaft and the support pockets that hold the ends of the gear shafts inside the Power Head. After bolting the Power Head cover back onto the Power Head Drive, test for proper operation by applying 12 volts to the power plug. Check operation in both directions.

The last step in the repair process is to install the Groove Pin into the Drive Shaft – this is the most difficult part of the process. The Groove Pin is a friction fit and needs to be driven in with a hammer and drift pin. Note: The Groove Pin IS NOT a shear pin. It bears the total load of the motor turning the Slide-out’s drive shaft which moves the Slide-out in/out. The indivudual who created the document now has a back-up Slide-out Power Head that he carries with him.

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